Our clinic staff and providers are dedicated to providing you with care in-person wherever possible and in a safe way.
We have gone through the regulatory requirements provided by each set of health professional’s guidelines alongside the business requirements set out by the local Public Health Authority.
If you’ve booked your in-office appointment, here’s what to expect:
- You will be sent a pre-screening questionnaire 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment by email via JaneApp. We ask that you please fill this out in advance of coming to your appointment. People who test positive pre-screening will be required to change their appointment to a virtual appointment or to reschedule.
- Please also complete all intake and consent forms online before entering the building as well.
- You are encouraged to come to your appointment alone, unless coming with an ‘essential visitor’. Essential visitor’s name and phone number will be requested for contract tracing purposes if required.
- All clients must wear a a cloth or surgical ear loop mask on arrival and during the duration of their treatment unless otherwise instructed by their health care provider.
- When you enter the building, check in in suite 302. You will be asked screening questions again, and asked to wash or sanitize your hands. If you do not arrive with their own mask, our receptionist will provide you with one.
- If you arrive early, you will be asked to return in 3-5 minutes before your appointment. All waiting room chairs will be removed except for priority seating chair in each waiting room.
- Once the screening questions are complete, you will be directed to your treatment area for your appointment. Your practitioner may also re-screen you and ask questions again in the visit.
- For payment, in-person square tap payments are accepted, and online credit card payments & e-Transfer is highly encouraged. If dealing with cash, our receptionist will use gloves.
- Before you leave, you’ll be asked to clean your hands again.
- Hospital-grade disinfectants and paper towel are used to clean rooms between each visit
- Appointment times have been spaced out to allow for sufficient cleaning to occur
- Staff and practitioners will practice hand washing, adhere to proper infection control measures and wear appropriate personal protective equipment
- Sanitization of all surfaces including chairs, door handles, hard surfaces, massage tables, will occur between each patient visit
- Staff will disinfect every regularly the common areas – desks, face shields, elevator buttons, restrooms and door handles
We welcome your feedback and appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to provide the best possible care given the current circumstances. Our email is
For online booking of Virtual and In-Person Appointments, click on this link here.